Revit for mac os
Revit for mac os

revit for mac os

The graphics situation appears to be an absolute disaster with 2013. It previously ran Revit 2011 (not LT) without a hitch. The consulting firm I work for uses Revit 2013 LT and I just installed it on my work laptop that runs VMWare Fusion 4.1.4 (900582).

#Revit for mac os update#

you can update without worrying, as it works fine for me now. I also changed my assigned video mem from 512 MB to 1024 MB as you have.Īnd yes, I have updated P8 last week to the build # you mentioned. I changed it to "more space" (everything is smaller) and now it works flawless on my rMPB! the screen was set to "best for retina" and that was the problem! it messes revit up. I got it figured out after reading your comment about the how P8 deals with the retina display. none of the windows apps showing up in my OS X application menu, etc.), and I keep the Windows desktop environment graphics to bare minimum - I use the the Windows 7 "Basic" or "Classic" themes typically. Also, not sure that it would matter, but I tend to try to keep Windows and OS X really separate (e.g. The only other thing I can offer is that my Parallels configuration settings for my VM use: Video memory: 1024 MB 3D acceleration: DirectX10 with v sync enabled. I don't really know how Parallels is dealing with the retina display with the Windows VM, but something funky might be going on there.

revit for mac os

Check your W7 "Display" settings in the control panel and see if it's been changed to anything other than 100%. 200%), that could cause similar behavior to what you're describing. If it's doing any sort of extreme scaling of the Windows desktop (e.g. It could have something to do with the "retina" settings in P8.

revit for mac os

are you using either of those versions (or something in-between)? I don't want to upgrade in case your issue has anything to do with the new release. I just noticed that 3.860857 was released a week or so ago.

Revit for mac os